Strip Flying Tuition

Basic airstrip flying techniques will be shown, and several circuits at selected local airstrips. For those new to strip flying, this course is not intended to give you all the skills required – simply to whet your appetite and show you what is available!

To include
-Pilot in command limitations
- Strip etiquette
- Aircraft knowledge/rating/attitude/power/manipulation
- Weather Local/environmental/energy
- Strip types/surface/shapes/orientation
- Illusion/go around/decision making/planning approach/situational awareness
- Airmanship/stress management

This course will give you the skills to fly a stabilised approach and a controlled touchdown. Expect to conduct this course over two days to take your flying to a new level of confidence and ability. It is advisable to have a 5-day window to allow the flexibility in weather conditions to complete the course.

Package: $NZ 1,300.00

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