Any AIP Charts shown below should not be used as the official or current AIP document. They are information only.

T654 Transit Lane Operations – How to get to Omaka

Omaka Overview:

Omaka Aerodrome sits within Transit Lane T654. The transit lane is open during daylight hours and up to 1500ft remaining within the light blue boundaries of the transit lane. Outside of the transit lane is the Woodbourne CTR (Dark Blue line). Omaka Aerodrome and Woodbourne Tower share the same frequency (122.80). If operating in the Transit Lane prefix all radio calls with “Omaka Traffic.”

Joining at Omaka:

If joining from the South it is recommended that you track to Seddon and go through the Taylor Pass remaining below 3500ft and descending to 1500ft by the Taylor Dam at which point you will enter T654.  Position reports to be made entering the Taylor Pass and again at the Taylor Dam to “Omaka Traffic” on 122.80. It is recommended to join via an Overhead rejoin at 1500ft.

If strong Southerlies or South Easterly winds are forecasted, then avoid the Taylor Pass. Instead track to White Bluffs and enter T654 at 1500ft and track a mile to the SOUTH of the ponds and join overhead from the Water Tank at 1500ft. Call “Omaka Traffic” entering the transit lane at White Bluffs and again abeam the Ponds with your joining intentions. It is recommended to join via an Overhead Rejoin at 1500ft. 

Beware when tracking from the Ponds to the Watertank you must remain over the Wither H ills and not stray over the flat industrial areas at Riverlands. If due to turbulence you are uncomfortable with remaining over the hills call Woodbourne Tower on 122.80 and request a clearance to track over Blenheim township to Omaka.

If joining from the North (Marlborough Sounds) you will require an ATC clearance to enter the Woodbourne control zone to track to Omaka. Call Woodbourne Tower for clearance at Okaramio if coming down the Havelock Valley or when overhead Picton Airfield if coming down the Picton Valley. Acquire the Woodbourne ATIS on 126.05 prior to requesting clearance on 122.80 and it recommended you join via an Overhead Rejoin at 1500ft.

If joining from the West descend to 2500ft or below and call Woodbourne Tower on 122.80 at Wairau Valley Township and request a Rivers Arrival (see Omaka Landing Plates below). Acquire the Woodbourne ATIS on 126.05 prior to requesting clearance.

If crossing the Cook Strait and entering the Transit Lane from Rarangi / The Diversion ensure you descend to 1500ft or below by The Diversion to track Omaka remaining seaward of the coast to Wairau Bar and The Ponds to track via the Watertank to join overhead Omaka. Make position reports to “Omaka Traffic” on 122.80 at The Diversion, abeam the Ponds and overhead the Watertank. 

Beware when tracking from the Ponds to the Watertank you must remain over the hills and not stray over the flat industrial areas at Riverlands. If due to turbulence you are uncomfortable with remaining over the hills call Woodbourne Tower on 122.80 and request a clearance to track over Blenheim township to Omaka.

If joining from the North (Marlborough Sounds) you will require an ATC clearance to enter the Woodbourne control zone to track to Omaka. Call Woodbourne Tower for clearance at Okaramio if coming down the Havelock Valley or when overhead Picton Airfield if coming down the Picton Valley. Acquire the Woodbourne ATIS on 126.05 prior to requesting clearance on 122.80 and it recommended you join via an Overhead Rejoin at 1500ft.

If joining from the West descend to 2500ft or below and call Woodbourne Tower on 122.80 at Wairau Valley Township and request a Rivers Arrival (see Omaka Landing Plates below). Acquire the Woodbourne ATIS on 126.05 prior to requesting clearance.

If crossing the Cook Strait and entering the Transit Lane from Rarangi / The Diversion ensure you descend to 1500ft or below by The Diversion to track Omaka remaining seaward of the coast to Wairau Bar and The Ponds to track via the Watertank to join overhead Omaka. Make position reports to “Omaka Traffic” on 122.80 at The Diversion, abeam the Ponds and overhead the Watertank. 

Beware when tracking from the Ponds to the Watertank you must remain over the hills and not stray over the flat industrial areas at Riverlands. If due to turbulence you are uncomfortable with remaining over the hills call Woodbourne Tower on 122.80 and request a clearance to track over Blenheim township to Omaka.


OMAKA IFR Departure Procedures


Omaka aerodrome has a large porpotion of its southern land area covered with mature vines.  The height of these vines can obscure low profile aircraft either departing off, or completeing a landing roll on the initial portion of some runways, to other aircraft which may be using a different runway for departure as follows:

01 07, 12, 25, 30
07 01, 30
12 01
19 NIL
25 01
30 01, 07

Note: in all cases it is generally the first half of the runway that may be obscured. Refer to the Aerodrome Landing Plate above for visual interpretation.

OMAKA Ground Movements

Use the taxiways we provide!  We try and keep on top of rabbit holes on the runways, taxiways and on the mown areas immediately in front of the buildings located on the northern boundary of our airfield  – we do NOT check any other areas.


 All taxiways cross runways or runway thresholds – MAINTAIN A GOOD LOOKOUT AT ALL TIMES WHEN TAXIING.

Access to the Aviation Heritage Centre Museum

If you wish to park up for a few hours and have a look around the Museum, use the parking areas we provide in front of the Clubhouse or our hangar, its free!  DO NOT PARK ALONG THE FENCELINE BETWEEN THRESHOLD 19 and 25 – your blocking the taxiway if you do this.

There is direct access for aircraft to taxi into the Heritage Centre precinct from the airfield.  The entrance is located at the RWY 25 windsock and is wide enough to accommodate an aircraft wingspan up to DC3 size.  If you wish to taxi into the Museum precinct, this area is not owned by the Aeroclub and you should contact the Heritage Centre directly to arrange parking with them.

Local Noise Abatement

Omaka Aerodrome have residential areas in close proximity to the NE and E of the airfield boundary.  The Blenheim Hospital is also located within 1nm from the threshold of RWY 25.

In 2018, MAC established a Noise Management Plan which was submitted to, and accepted by, the Marlborough District Council.  The purpose of this plan is to ensure the longevity of the aerodrome and therefore we ask those operators of particularly loud aircraft to consider the impact on local residents when departing the airfield, particulary those aircraft where the propeller tips can exceed the speed of sound at full RPM.

As part of the noise mitagation, Runways 30 or 25 should be used for departures when the wind is determined to be less than 5knots, especially if your departing early morning or late evening when all the residents are likely to be at home or sleeping .  This takes you away from the noise sensitive areas and allows time to reduce engine RPM once airbourne and prior to flying over built up areas.  

The Marlborough Aeroclub cannot mandate this but your cooperation will help ensure that the Omaka airfield remains available for you to use!

Noise Sensitive Area